Thursday, August 21, 2008

How about those Olympic Women

As I continue to be awed by the accomplishments and feats of the 2008 Olympians, I am most amazed at the older women who are not only competing but winnning like Dara Torres, the 41 year old, mother of a two year old daughter, five time Olympian who won three silver medals. WOW! Just thinking about that one makes me exhausted. Then there is the 38 year old Romanian, the mother of a teenager, who won the marathon.

It wasn't that long ago that it was a common misperception that women couldn't endure any type of endurance sport and that women around the age of 20 were getting past their prime. Just 40 years ago, most girls in the United States didn't play the five player basketball game. It was believed that girls couldn't run the distance of the full 94 feet of a court, therefore the court was divided into two different sections with the players unable to cross the midline. On one end would be a three-on-three game of guards who only defended and forwards who only shot the ball. Once the ball was passed across midcourt, one group of the three-on-three rested while the other group played.

How women have evolved! Somewhere it began with a woman who believed she could do something better--something different--that she was stronger, faster, and tougher than others believed she was. It just began with a thought . . . and an attitude that she could do it.

I'm certain many people told Dara that she was too old--that she was way past her prime. How fortunate we all are that she listened to her inner self and did what she knew she could do. Imagine the inner strength of that woman! Because she dared to think that she could, she has inspired many others to go beyond their age limitation, to push themselves to another place.

Inspiration begins with self belief, the inner confidence to go beyond one's doubts and fears. It is the battle of self versus self which is the true stuggle all athletes hold. It has been said many times that the toughest opponent an athlete will ever face is herself. It is the truth. These women had to find peace with their inner battle then discover a way to overcome societal belief systems. I am glad they had the fortitude to hold true to their desires and hope other women will be motivated to hold true to their dreams and not to listen to those who tell them they can't.

It is my hope that my athletes will have watched the women in the Olympic Games and will be inspired by their passion and love for their sport--that they will note that the true talent is not on the outside but on the inside.

**My intention is to blog two times a week and I hope that you will join me as I talk about the University of Charleston Golden Eagles and our journey this season.

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