Tuesday, October 21, 2008


The Golden Eagles have a small junior class but a very powerful one. Katy Arick, a 6'0 power forward, can drain the three pointer from downtown, post in the low block, and a shoot a jump shot. On her high school team, she played every position on the court from point guard to post which gives her an advantage in understanding the game and where players should be on the court. When she plays the perimeter, she knows where the inside players should be and how to get them the ball. When she is in the paint, she knows what the guards are looking for and can get herself open.

Our other junior, Caress Williams, is from New Jersey. After having a phenomenal junior college career, she arrives with confidence in her scoring ability. She can nail the three pointer and once she gets hot, she is like a lightening bug lighting up the court where ever she moves. Although her shot is a little unorthodox, she makes many more of them than she misses. Her quickness on the dribble and amazing ball handling skills allows her to blow by defenders for the penetration and pitch. Her speed and defensive anticipation will make her a valuable defender as well.

Both of these young ladies have the physical talent to assist the Golden Eagles in their quest for excellence; however, it is not their talent which makes them valuable but their hearts. Katy will be the first one to dive for a loose ball whether the ball is going toward the bleachers or the scorer's table. Caress has shown heart again and again as she has battled through injuries. She will go for as long as her legs will hold her. She is a testament to the old adage that the mind is stronger than the body.

As a coach, I understand the necessity of having talented players. After all, coaches are only as good as the talent on the floor. Yet, I also know that athletic talent alone will not win basketball games. Yes, it is true talent can win many games but talent without heart will not win championships. A true talent by my definiton is a player who is coachable, who is willing to put in extra time, who plays from the heart, who is a team player, and who has integrity. By this definition, both Caress and Katy are the real deal. I look forward to watching them play and grow as the season continues.

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