Friday, February 18, 2011

Imagine me taking a sandwich size baggie into the locker room and telling the players this was what we were going to use to pack for our upcoming three day trip. They laughed, of course, but waited to see if I was joking. After all I had made them take a single carry-on bag on our trip to Hawaii. For those of you who don't know me, I am a minimalist.

I can pack for a month in a single bag and am happy if I don't have to make clothing choices. It is one of the perks of being a coach. I can wear the same colors day after day after day and nobody questions my attire. It eliminates so much hassle when I can open a drawer not having to think if it matches.

I was joking though about packing their essentials in a baggie. Well, actually the essential part wasn't a lie. We were going to take the most essential thing we would need in a small plastic bag.
We were going to take our strengths along with us. On this trip I couldn't risk leaving any of them at home.

We had every player write something she wanted each teammate to take with her. It was supposed to entail something not so obvious or maybe a little more detailed than a simple line about whether she was a good shooter or a great rebounder. We wanted 18 different notes. This was done on small slips of paper which were then deposited in a player's "luggage bag." Each player received 14 notes from teammates plus four notes from the coaching staff. We sealed the bags and I took them with me for safe keeping.

When we got to our destination, we sat down in the locker room and gave out the bags. Each player was allowed to blindly grab five of her notes to share with her teammates. We went around the room sharing the funny, heartfelt, compassionate, positive and loving notes. As players read the notes, high fives and smiles were given to the players who had sent the essential messages.

This exercise defines this team--devoted to one another, full of loving kindness and a willingness to share joy, pain, laughter, wins and losses. This is not just team chemistry; it is a group of players who truly admire one another. It is deeper than the simple act of working together. It is bond which will not stop when the games do.

I love this team because they exhibit such love for one another. This is why they survive tough games and why they find a way to win when the odds are against them.

I am proud to be associated with them and am basking in every second I get to share with them.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ditto that CW!