Monday, September 12, 2011

Rebuilding or Moving Forward?

There are going to be many conference coaches and fans who will think this is a rebuilding year. After all, we graduated six seniors who together in their career totaled 4,891 points, 2,544 rebounds, 1,318 assists, 238 blocks and 591 steals. Last year they represented 77% of the points scored, 60% of the rebounds grabbed and 64% of the passes which resulted in baskets. On paper it appears to be a daunting task to fill their shoes.

But paper does not have passion, heart nor hustle. It is a flimsy piece of dissected wood, unfeeling, an inanimate object which statisticians make important. I'm looking at a group of people who are flesh and blood, who in my earliest impressions make me thrilled I am their coach.

What is it that thrills me? Walking into an individual practice and seeing players already on the floor working on their ball handling, not waiting for us to enter, just getting it done on their own. Seeing players on the court as I walk up the stairs to my office working on changing their footwork for shooting. Witnessing incredible improvement from one practice to the next. Hearing Frenchy apologize to the team for not running hard enough in the sprints when last season she would have thrown me the evil eye and an attitude. Watching as Chrissy steps up in a leadership role, becoming louder and more importantly showing some emotion.

The freshmen are young. It is true. There is no way to take their inexperience out of them but with this group, I really don't think it matters. I am certain they will make up for their lack of experience with passion. When we are coaching, they hang onto every word as if the word itself will make them better. They listen and then they apply what we tell them. It is a wonderful process to observe.

Sometimes with a group of people you can simply feel their power. Their energy transcends the building and grows into a feeling so amazing it pours out of them and through the gym doors. I'm not certain where the year will take us and what our record will look like at the end, but I do know this--it is going to be a very special year.


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