Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Confidence on the Court

On opening weekend, the Golden Eagles showed a few of our strengths but mostly displayed our weaknesses. Although the good was offered in smaller portions, we can still capitalize on what the team is doing well and work on improving the play which was inferior. Jihan Williams and Veronica Carman were good. They competed. They rebounded. They played defense and they scored. Of course, they have three seasons behind them and are confident in their abilities.

Veronica and Jihan were good enough to lead us past East Stroudsburg 74-60, but they could not prevail against Shippensburg by themselves. Two players in the confident zone are not enough. We need a team full of players who believe in their abilities.

This is typical of the Golden Eagles early in the year. The team often struggles with what the coaching staff wants versus playing on instinct and intuition. It is a product of my coaching. Because I teach so much, it can create paralysis by analysis where the players are frozen, stuck in limbo and afraid to move. When we get beyond this and we always do, we get in sync and become a tougher unit.

Watching Veronica and Jihan improve over the years, I know our system works. Veronica was a defensive specialist early in her career and didn't look to score. This season in our opening games, she scored 19 and 20 points on lay-ups, three point shots, and jumpers. WOW! Jihan is another player who has come a long way in her three seasons. She can now penetrate left or right, post up in the low block or hit the outside shot. When she started her freshmen year, she could not go left at all.

I wish I could take credit for all their improvements, but the truth is that both of these young women wanted to become better and spent many hours outside of team practices improving their games. We have many other athletes who have worked hard in the off season and preseason. They will eventually start playing better and looking for their scoring opportunities.

Without Katy Arick and Jennifer DeMeyer, two seasoned veterans, in the line-up, some of our younger players must step up and become more aggressive offensively. I know they have the talent, but they must know they have the talent. We have several players who can contribute to the scoring column adn in order for us to be successful, they must do so.

Confidence is an illusive thing. It cannot be given to a player. She must find it and own it herself. Currently, we have two players playing with confidence. When the rest of the Eagles strengthen their belief systems, we will begin to win more games.

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