Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tough Times Require Tough Minds

A quote I read several years ago which I love is, "Tough times never last but tough players do." I love this quote because it is about mental toughness--about the quintessential characteristic of great players. Great players get through adversity seeing the opportunity of growth which exists before them. They don't succumb to injuries or illness or bad shooting days or fatigue. They get over them, under them, through them or beyond them.

I am discussing this today because we have had one player quit and three on the injury list. The player who quit could have been an awesome player. Two of the players sidelined with injuries were starters last season and the other one received significant playing time.

As a team we could allow this to get in the way of our goals. We could quit now, make excuses, and limp throughout the year as if we had all the wrong breaks. OR we could make the decision to get better. It is really quite that simple. If we are tough-minded, the current situation will not deter us; it will invigorate us to rise to new levels.

If the Golden Eagles choose to see this as an opportunity rather than a crisis, we are heading in the right direction. We don't always get to choose the situation we are in, but we always get to choose how we react to the situation. Our reaction creates our mindset and our mindset determines our success rate. I believe we have a several players who are mentally tough. The question is: "Can their mental toughness carry us through the next few weeks?"

I think if they honor their hearts and believe in their talents as much as the coaching staff does we will not only survive but flourish.

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