Monday, March 2, 2009

Dreaming on the Dream Board

During the summer months each player created a dream box where she was to place any articles, quotes, or pictures of her dreams for this season. It was a great way to keep our dreams close and to continually feel them throughout the summer. At the beginning of the year, we each shared something from our dream box with the team. Then the coaches just let the dream box idea slip. We didn't do anything with it until a week ago when Coach Fitzgerald decided that we needed a dream board in the locker room.

We decided that each player should bring something every day to tack to the dream board. In this way, we would be sharing our dreams with our teammates. It started with just a word or two, then quotes, then pictures, then a piece of the net we cut down three years ago when we won the East Regional Tournament. It began as something they had to do and grew into something they wanted to do.

The board has become a constant visual reminder of our dreams. It makes their dreams appear more real because there is substance to them. The more the dream is plastered on the board, the stronger the sense of the dream. It feels real. Every person who has ever felt her dream come true knows there was a moment when the dream no longer felt like a dream. It felt real even before it became real. This is how we won the conference title: believing in dreams.

The power of belief is so strong that it is the difference between those who succeed and those who fail. The dream board has kept us focused on what we want and placed our energy in the direction we want to go. It has created an energy of its own--an energy each player has taken to heart. Heart is the center of this team and dreams are the center of the heart.

I am thrilled with the accomplishments of this team and believe they still have dreams to fulfill. Until the season has been completed, the dream board will be alive.

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