Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Fear or Faith

Every year brings with it new challenges and opportunities. The unknown can be disastrous if it is feared or it can be joyous if it is looked upon as an adventure. What is important at this stage of the year is the attitude of the players involved. It is their belief system which will determine whether this year is one to be remembered and cherished or one to be forgotten and stashed deep within themselves.

In searching for the answer to this question, I look at the upper class players to see how they have grown internally. I am always more concerned with the strength of their minds versus the strength of their bodies.

I can see the strength of Katy Arick who finally after three years of failing the 12 minute run succeeded. She has always known this battle for her was not one of her lungs or legs but one of her mind. It was the little child within her telling her she couldn't that would not allow her to make the run. Finally she has learned to quieten that little child and allow the bigger woman to step forth--the one who believes in opportunity and success, in achieving the seemingly impossible.

I see the determination of Tarenna Dixon who has had to learn some very difficult lessons but who with a tenacity she has never shown in the classroom achieved a "B" in a difficult course over the summer. When she speaks to me now, she looks me in the eyes as if she knows she deserves the praise I will give her.

I see the willingness of Lindsey Kentner to take the next step--the one which could make her a failure or a star. Her obstacle has been the need to be
perfect--to make every shot she shoots. Now, with the understanding that she can miss without being less than who she is, she is free to be the incredible player she has always been.

I see Ali Tobias whose favorite past time was believing she wasn't fast enough to compete against athletic players now offering up the knowledge that intelligence can surpass athleticism. She is more comfortable in her abilities to be deceptive.

I see Moneka Slaughter taking on the constructive criticism I give her with the understanding she is capable of pushing through my demands. She is growing into the awareness she is strong, fast and a good low block player.

I see Julianne Smith gaining confidence in her shooting skills, the same skills she worked on endlessly last year but never used. It was never that she couldn't physically shoot the ball; it was that she thought she couldn't.

I see Tiana Beatty as a player who will not be denied. Even with pain, she has continued to find ways to train over the summer. She did not let what she could not do effect what she could do.

There is a difference between fears they owned and fears they have dissolved. There is a quiet confidence, an inner calmness which they now carry. This is their torch . . .their team . . . and their destiny.

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